
Nifty gay erotic
Nifty gay erotic

nifty gay erotic
  1. #Nifty gay erotic archive#
  2. #Nifty gay erotic registration#

Generally, there are no paid features on this site at all, as reading stories, sending them to the administration and sending emails to writers are the only available services on the platform, and they are free. The structure of this site looks quite good on devices, so you will not experience any troubles if you access your favorite stories from anything alongside PC. Nifty does not have mobile application, but you can open this platform on your smartphone or tablet anyway. The site is still comfortable designed for all devices.You can attach your name, email, and a disclaimer to the story you send to admins, and your readers will see it and will be able to contact you. But, you still can see some information about the authors, such as their nicknames and emails, as well as a few words about them or just disclaimers to stories.

#Nifty gay erotic registration#

  • There are no profiles as long as the registration is not availableĪs far as you cannot register on this platform, you cannot get a profile.
  • There is no special form to send an email on the site, so you have to go to your mailbox and send an email from there. But, if you want to express your opinion or gratefulness to an author, you can make contact via email, if the author provided one. There is no possibility to talk with the members - with authors, in particular, as only writers can become a part of the community. Please remember that there is only one person who takes care of the site, so checking of your story may take up to 7 days. Nifty’s administration asks to send parts of your story if there are chapters. If you want your works to appear on this platform, you should contact the administration via and attach your story in plain text or HTML. In our Nifty review we will discuss everything essential about this site, for you to see if it if the best gay porn platform in your life or it is just a waste of time.

    nifty gay erotic

    On you can find such categories as transgender, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and bestiality, and enjoy thousands of stories in each of them.

    #Nifty gay erotic archive#

    Then it represented the archive with sexy pictures and stories, and now it is mostly the platform having only written content. It seems like the owner of the site is honest, and he/she gets no money from the site existence.

    nifty gay erotic

    Well, the site has a section that shows the amount of money that was donated to the site by thankful users, and there is no advertisement. It may be explained by the fact that the owner of is just one person who says that the site is his hobby and it is non-profitable activity at all. It is a bit weird, but the site representing sex stories look quite cozy and generally nice. Once you enter the site, it greets you with nice “Have a nifty day!”. There are constant updates to stories and their number exceeded 360,000, so we guess that the actual community of the site is huge, including permanent readers and passers-by. More than 15,000 authors and thousands of benefactors have chosen this site as the home to their works and hearts.

    Nifty gay erotic